Optimalisasi Dakwah Media Sosial di Kalangan Mahasiswa di Masa Pandemi Dalam Dimensi Globalisasi

Mohammad Rindu Fajar. I


This study aims to measure the optimization of social media preaching among students in the dimensions of globalization during the Covid-19 pandemic. The contemporary da'wah movement is currently giving birth to new styles and models as a result of the response to the transformation of cultural civilizations of the global community as a result of globalization. Globalization affects most of the fundamental aspects of modern society, including economy, politics, culture, education, and da'wah activities. Students are agents of change in the future, there needs to be serious efforts from education practitioners in order to direct them to be more active in increasing their spirituality and individual piety through online Islamic da'wah studies.. The research method uses a quantitative approach with questionnaire techniques, amounting to 10 question instruments distributed via google form. The data collection used a random sampling technique in which 36 respondents were taken from several students at one of the universities in Bandung. The results showed that most of the time distributed by students on social media had a negative tendency which was not productive compared to positive activities.


Optimization, Da'wah, Social Media, Students, Globalization, Online

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29240/jdk.v6i1.2954


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