Bentuk Waham Aṣ-Ṣaḥābah Menurut Al-Idlībi Dan Relevansinya Dengan Wacana Keadilan Sahabat
The Forms of Waham According to Al-Idlībi and Their Relevance to the Discourse of Companions’ Justice
This paper explains the forms of waham aṣ-ṣaḥābah formulated by Salāḥuddīn al-Idlībi and its relevance to the discourse of companions’ justice. In a descriptive-analytical way, this paper seeks to review al-Idlībi's opinion regarding waham that might take place at the level of companion narrators when narrating hadiths. This paper relies on a qualitative method where the data pertinent to the discussed themes of various references are collected and analyzed. The analysis is carried out by trying to position various forms of waham highlighted by al-Idlibi in the broad framework of ma'āni al-ḥadīṡ and ikhtilāf al-ḥadīṡ knowledge and then also looking at the possible relationship to the pros and cons discourse on the claim of companions’ justice. This study concludes that there are seven forms of waham or mistakes that were made by some companions, followed by examples of waham narrations. This paper concludes that, in an explicit way, waham occurred among the companions did not affect their justice because mistakes in this case were not related to the aspect of justice, but to ḍābiṭ. Despite being not related directly, the criteria of aṣ-ṣaḥābah waham offer a new perspective between the pros and cons groups on the rule of aṣ-ṣaḥābah kulluhum 'udūl, namely accepting and acknowledging the companions’ justice but still placing the companions as the objects of hadith research, especially in the aspect of ḍābiṭ
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