Dialektika Teks dan Konteks dalam Framework Pemahaman Hadis
The Dialectics of Text and Context in the Hadith Understanding Framework
The position of the Prophet Muhammad as a human being on the one hand and also as a messenger who received revelations has become an important concern among ‘Ulama and Muslim scholars in understanding his hadiths. For those who see him from the human side, an understanding that is too contextual will emerge and lead to the loss of the sacredness of hadith. On the other hand, for those who put forward the Prophet side, it creates an understanding that is too textual untill leading to be more rigid and irrelevant to apply. This study is as a framework in understanding hadith proportionally, when to be textual and when to be contextual. Through a literature study with a descriptive-analytical approach, there some conclusions are derived from this study. Firstly, too contextual understanding of hadith tends to be practiced by liberals, while too textual understanding tends to be practiced by Zhahiriyah school. Secondly, there needs to be a clear separating line between hadith tasyri' and ghairu tasyri' so as not to fall into a contextual or textual understanding only. Thirdly, there must be limitations related to contextual and textual understanding. In regards to the boundaries that should not be influenced by the context, six categories are presented, namely, matters of faith, basic acts of worship, legal foundations, morals, sunnatullah, and special characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad. Meanwhile, there are four categories of text boundaries that can be changed, namely, branches of worship, the prophet's orders regarding the leader's policies, what comes from the prophet in the form of research or custom, and the acts of the prophet in the form of human habits.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29240/alquds.v7i1.5002
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