Citra Diri dan Popularitas Artis

Esther Meilany Pattipeilohy


The purpose of this study is to determine how artist's self-image is
displayed in media, and how an artist prepares him/herself. This study
also aims to know how the artists understand their popularity as the
result of news delivered by journalists in mass media. The method used
in this study is a qualitative method with dramaturgicaltheoryapproach.
Dramaturgy is actually under a larger perspective which is often called
by phenomenological perspective or interpretive perspective. The
results of this study indicate that self-image for the artist determines the
impression to be formed in the mass media. The better self-image
displayed, the bigger chance to get a good impression will be achieved.
Before dealing with a reporter for an interview, the artist did some
preparations, such as be neat and dressing up, cool their self down in
order to be in a good or stable emotions, and have a discussion with the
management to show a positive self-image in front of journalists. Artists
fullyunderstandthe meaning of popularity for themselves.The positive
popularity will also give a positive effect. Meanwhile, if they gained
negative popularity, it will impact to contract termination with third
parties, loss of earning opportunities through advertisement,off air,
losing fans,etc. This displayed self-image, if delivered positively by
journalists in news, it will give a positive


Self-image, Artists’Popularity, Mass Media

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