Strategi Komunikasi Pengelola Prodi KPI dalam Menciptakan Iklim Organisasi yang Kondusif

Bakti Komalasari


An Islamic broadcasting and comunication study is one of the oldest programs in
STAIN Curup. As the oldest Program, Many challenged have been faced by it. One
thing became an urgent is organization culture which is influenced by the culture of
communication strategies in Prodi KPI. For thet matter, the problem of communication
strategy becomes very essential considering that communication strategy also have an
impact on job satisfactions of individuals who take shelter under the
organization/institution. There are two things might be cause people are nort satisfied
with this job. Firstly, because incase the person does not get the information needed to
perform their jobs. Secondly, the relationship with partner in jobs does not run well ot in
other words job satisfication is related to communication problems.


Communication Strategy, Communication Channels, KPI

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